What Is Screen Printing?

Screen printing is a printing method where ink is transferred through a stencil or mesh screen onto a substrate, such as fabric, paper, or plastic. The stencil is created by blocking out areas of the screen, leaving only the desired image or design exposed. Screen printing is known for producing vibrant, durable prints that can withstand repeated washing and wear, and is a popular choice for printing on textiles and other materials. However, the setup process can be time-consuming and costly, especially for smaller print runs. Screen printing can produce a wide range of colors and shades, making it a good choice for printing complex designs and images. Our equipment at Premier Printing can handle up to 4 colors per design, including a white underbase (if necessary, for printing on dark color items). Prints produced by screen printing are generally very durable, particularly when exposed to repeated washing and wear.

Screen printing requires more setup time and can take longer to produce than some other print processes we provide, depending on the design and quantity of the order, and so can be more expensive for small print runs.

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